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Surveys Aimed At The Heart
We are pastors who want to help anyone who wishes to grow as a disciple! So, anyone can take our discipleship assessment survey for free. This survey examines 8 categories of discipleship that measure spiritual maturity when compared to Jesus. These questions get to the heart of how closely we are growing in Christ's likeness. Each category is carefully measured on a scale of 1 to 5. A score of 1 denotes an area we are least like Jesus in a given response. A score of 5 denotes that we are exactly like Jesus in a given response.
Intentional Resources Provided
Survey recipients are then provided with the results of their survey and transformational resources for their lowest-scoring categories via email. This enables the user to be intentional and targeted in pursuing growth. A user is also able to send the results of this survey to a spouse, friend, or mentor to encourage growth within your own personal context. The resources for the free survey are carefully chosen and vetted by our team at Mina. We have provided you with some of our favorite authors and richest content. There are both short, easy-to-digest content as well as longer, more in-depth formats. We are praying our labor blesses and equips you for growth!
Follow-Up Emails To
Nurture Growth
Survey participants will then receive monthly emails. Once per quarter, based on your scores, an email will offer encouragement for how to leverage your strengths as a disciple. At other times these emails will provide encouragement for how to strengthen areas where growth is desired. These emails are edited by pastors on staff at Mina who are Gospel-centered, authentic disciples of Jesus, seeking to grow as well. We share the truth we need to rehearse for our own souls.
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